IntroChamp | 10 years ago | 6 comments | 5 likes | 2.7K views
komies, LostBoyz, michiel and 2 others like this!
The fact that you can use multiple lights in BluffTitler V12 is by now, not a secret...
But it cannot be overstated how HUGE this development is. It's a total GAME CHANGER!
I used to defer to After Effects when I needed to create a scene with multiple lights. NO MORE... BluffTitler is coming of age!
BluffTitler is coming of age!
Bluftitler is now 11 years old, and early on we could see it's potential.
I cannot wait!
And it is stíll growing, You just have to wonder..........
komies, 10 years ago
Thanks for your comments!
Vince, in versions previous to V12, multiple lights had no effect on objects that had an .fx applied to them. All but the first light were ignored.
In V12, I believe you can use up to 5 lights in a scene... each behaving as it should. The scene above uses 3 lights and behaves like a "photo studio".
IntroChamp, 10 years ago
Joel Cooper is the founder and CEO of introChamp Inc. Many know him as the "Intro Champ".
His video template website makes it TOTALLY EASY for you to create AFFORDABLE, visually dynamic VIDEO INTROS in Minutes.
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