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IntroChamp | 9 years ago | 9 comments | 7 likes | 3.5K views

B.Projects, michiel, liuyongcai and 4 others like this!

I've gotten several queries about what method I used to create this simple book (model or EPS?)... so I thought I would share my point of view.

The book is a simple model (attached) that I created in Rhino 3D. I see many people in this forum shying away from the use of models.

We're all aware that Blufftitler has the resources to create simple objects from fonts and eps files... and some clever artists are even able to create more complex objects.

Conversely, if you choose to create models, they offer more building and assembly options and have advantages of precise/custom UV texture mapping.

Either method can be a very convenient time saver... or a huge time waster.

If you keep you focus on your end result, you'll begin to understand when to use which method.

Don't be shy... we would like to hear what you guys think about this subject. Hopefully we can all learn something. :)

He recibido varias preguntas sobre qué método que usé para crear este libro sencillo (modelo o EPS?) ... Así que pensé que iba a compartir mi punto de vista.

El libro es un modelo simple que he creado en Rhino 3D (adjunto). Veo a muchas personas en este foro rehuir el uso de modelos.

Todos somos conscientes de que BluffTitler tiene los recursos para crear objetos simples de fuentes y archivos EPS ... y algunos artistas inteligentes siquiera somos capaces de crear objetos más complejos.

Por el contrario, si decide crear modelos, ofrecen más opciones instalacion y y tienen ventajas de precisión / custom textura UV mapeo.

Cualquiera de estos métodos puede ser un momento muy conveniente ahorrador ... o una gran pérdida de tiempo.

Si se mantiene a concentrarse en su resultado final, usted comenzará a entender cuándo usar el método.

No sea tímido ... nos gustaría oír lo que ustedes piensan sobre este tema. Esperemos que todos podemos aprender algo. :)

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Models are easier to handle because they use only one layer if you don't need submodels. Submodels can be used to apply particular effects on some parts but there is a problem if you need to move the model you have to move all sub-models. A good option would be to be able to split the model (as CTRL+U option) in a container, like this all parts can be moved using the container position/rotation.
I like EPS because there fast to load and easy to build but of course it takes time to assemble them in a container to build an object.
Sometimes it is interesting to combine EPS and models because some shapes can't be done with EPS.

vincent, 9 years ago

I totally agree with you Vincent. I was thinking of you when I posted the article... you're eps models are phenomenal! Thank you for your contribution to this topic!

IntroChamp, 9 years ago

A greeting to all.
I usually use more models than EPS, moving different parts of the model can be a headache, but if we put this model textures can rightly divide each part of the model texture.
I see many advantages in the models could not do with EPS, although I admit that sometimes an EPS you can solve the problem.
Another option is to use the sources of writing, it can add to these more as a tool to track multiple objects. For example a chain.
The thing to keep in mind is according to what we're going to do what is best what comes then?
But a world of possibilities opens up when we use the right option.
Another example is handling various display images on a single model with the same effect, this solves a customer will need to replace only the images of the models folder.
an example is these images that are flying in the form of snake behind clapboard.

Un saludo para todos .
Yo suelo usar mas los modelos que los EPS ,el mover diferentes partes del modelo puede ser un quebradero de cabeza , pero si a este modelo le colocamos las texturas correctamente podemos dividir cada parte del modelo por textura .
Yo veo muchas ventajas en los modelos que no se podrian hacer con los EPS , aunque reconozco que a veces un EPS te puede solucionar el problema .
Otra opcion es usar las fuentes de escritura , pues puede añadir con estas alguna herramienta mas como el seguimiento de varios objetos . Por ejemplo una cadena .
Lo que hay que tener en cuenta es segun lo que vayamos a hacer ¿que es lo que nos viene mejor en ese momento ?
Pero se abre un mundo de posibilidades cuando usamos la opcion correcta .
otro ejemplo es manejar varias imagenes de presentacion en un unico modelo con el mismo efecto , esto soluciona que un cliente solo tendra que sustituir las imagenes de la carpeta models .
un ejemplo es estas imagenes que estan volando en forma de serpiente por detras de clapboard .

I like so much this conversation IntroChamp ☺


B.Projects, 9 years ago

B.Projects thank you for your contribution! You are so right! Once an image is properly fitted to a model, Blufftitler makes it very easy to replace that image. Simply click f8 on the keyboard and swap the texture.

With my book cover example above, replacing the image with another is so easy as long as the new image uses the same dimensions. I could create 100 books using the same model!
B.Projects gracias por su contribución! ¡Tienes mucha razon! Una vez que una imagen está correctamente instalado en un modelo, BluffTitler hace que sea muy fácil de reemplazar esa imagen. Simplemente haga clic en f8 en el teclado y cambiar la textura.

Con mi libro cubierta ejemplo anterior, la sustitución de la imagen con otro es tan fácil, siempre y cuando la nueva imagen utiliza las mismas dimensiones. Que podría crear 100 libros utilizando el mismo modelo!

IntroChamp, 9 years ago

Yo, admiro todos vuestros trabajos y me da envidia los modelos y EPS que realizáis porque son una maravilla.
Estoy de acuerdo con vosotros en la realización de estos para Blufftitler, lastima que Yo no tengo ni idea de hacer tanto modelos como EPS, y si alguna vez pongo alguno en mis shows,. es por haber descargado de Youtube. Creo que mi cabeza no da para mas.

persiana, 9 years ago

Thank you for this easy question Introchamp:

Making 3D models in 3rd party software:

If you’re a proficient user of a modeling program like Blender than It will be easy for you to make a 3d model especially complex ones like realistic cars with interiors e.g.
But if you’re not, you can still use 3d models after you convert them into DirectX (.X) format.

Download 3D models:

There are plenty of sites that you can download from, but they will never be your own.
Downloaded 3D models can be time consuming too, to find just what you need alone can take hours, because it has to be an open format like .3ds or .obj that easily can be converted into .X for .max and .4cd you need the Maxon or Autodesk programs to open and export them in more open formats. Another time consuming work is when you download the model it is not the same as advertised because the picture was made by a rendering tool with the correct textures, materials and lighting, and off course the models that when downloaded have no textures or mismatched UV mapping.

Make 3D models in Blufftitler:

Making 3d models from Font and font types like Windings are one of the easiest ways to make simple 3D models like the book model of Introchamp can be made with two I’s and an L. There are also preinstalled .eps files that can be modified with Properties and Styles like all .eps files and I particularly like the Revolved ones because a lot of things are round like bottles or glasses. Another way is by using the traced picture layer or even with the sketch layer this gives you with the writer property also more control. You can make your .eps from a bitmap with 3rd party tools like vector magic or the free Potrace. Then there is the Picture layer in combination with the styles like cube or sphere etc., and with version V12 u can make with the displacement effect on a picture layer patterns that are different in depth size by greyscale.

So witch way to choose depends on time, flexibility, effort and ownership.

- Simple 3D like an wineglass I would make in Blufftitler out of a bitmap converted .eps with Revolved style option. Because it’s fast with little effort and it’s totally made by me.

- More complex 3D like a Wine Bottle I would still make in Blufftitler put in a Container because of the number of layers that then can be controlled as one in movement.

- Complex 3D I try to avoid because it takes too much time to make or make ready for Blufftitler.

Tips of using 3d Models in Blufftitler:

- Use Blender to convert .obj and .3ds to .X because it’s free.
- Try to group/ merge / collapse meshes of large models so when you use CTRL-U to unpack model in separate layers there are less layers to worry about.
- Do this also with parts of a model that you want to move separately from the model like tires of a car, so export the car without wheels and group all meshes that you are going to be using as one layer, then export one wheel to put in the same container as the car and place this wheel on their place.
- Before you unpack the model in separate layers by CTRL-U animate the whole model to your needs of the show because after Ctrl-U YOU CANNOT GET BACK.

But the most imported thing is be creative with all options because you can do a lot of modeling within Blufftitler. Just look at the EPS shows from Vincent he inspired me to make shows like this.

komies, 9 years ago

Thank you Persiana for your comment. I started this thread so that as a group we can begin to see and learn from others. You will learn quickly with members like komies leading the way. Komies, thank you for your valuable insights. You are a true teacher!

IntroChamp, 9 years ago

Hi Joel, thank you for the model, you are amazing talent in our bt family,
actually i don't have any knowledge about 3d models, or 3d modeling software,or any editing software , my world is bt only, l love 3d models, very easy to use when compare with eps, but for to me eps is comfortable , yes agree it takes lot of time, but it's a great joy working with eps, i like your conversation on this topic, you are one of my inspiration.
Thank you,

Dani, 9 years ago

Dani, thank you for commenting in this thread. You are a true talent and I suspect that you will explore the possibilities of 3D modeling in time.

I'm happy that you are comfortable building in Bluff with eps files. That is not easy, but you do it exceptionally well!

I'm happy that you stopped by :)

IntroChamp, 9 years ago

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Joel Cooper is the founder and CEO of introChamp Inc. Many know him as the "Intro Champ".

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