komies | 8 years ago | 8 comments | 11 likes | 3.5K views
persiana, vincent, ID Production and 8 others like this!
This whole show was composed within Blufftitler, except the music.
Render time: 4 hours, for 120 seconds (7195 frames) 1080p at 59,94 frames a second with shadow softness.
What started out as a World Machine to Blufftitler test, mounted into this. :)
Alt + F1 Technical info: Trench Run
This show does not use any fonts.
This show uses the following 3 effects:
1 CameraDepthOfField.cfx
2 ColourmapDisplacementmapReflectionmap.cfx
3 Lightened.cfx
This show uses the following 4 textures:
1 CM_ReflectionMap_1.jpg
2 Sky_Mirrored_06.jpg
3 podrace.png
4 podrace22-dif.png
This show does not use any EPS files.
This show does not use any models.
Duration 00:45.000
Resolution 1920 x 1080 pixels
Background (-255,-255,-255)
Layer Type Parent Keys Texture1 Texture2 Texture3 FX Font Model Name Link StyleA StyleB StyleC Physics Visible Text
1 Camera 0 46 CameraDepthOfField.cfx 0 0 0 18 Y
2 Light 0 10 1 0 0 0 Y
3 Media 0 1 Sky_Mirrored_06.jpg Lightened.cfx 8 1 1 0 Y
4 Media 0 1 podrace22-dif.png podrace.png CM_ReflectionMap_1.jpg ColourmapDisplacementmapReflectionmap.cfx 0 3 0 0 Y
komies, 8 years ago
Masterpiece!!!... Fantastic work komies, voyage accross planet valleys is so impressive. You proved that BluffTitler is not a simple titler and that you are a great video director and thanks for all informations you provided. Congratulations!!!!
vincent, 8 years ago
WOW! That looks like a real game recording. Reminds me of the flightsim mode/easter egg we were once planning to implement.
Thank you for the Bix at the 1:40. Looks like the remains of a lost civilization :)
Thanks again for pushing BluffTitler to unknown territory!
michiel, 8 years ago
Wow, I'm completely stunned. I'm sitting here, watching it over and over again.
Thor5ten, 8 years ago
he quedado completamente impresionado por tan extraodinario espectáculo, La verdad que parece un juego espectacular.
persiana, 8 years ago
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