michiel | 7 years ago | 24 comments | 9 likes | 3.9K views
vincent, Ulli, komies and 6 others like this!
With the 1st dropdown of the sketch layer you can select the cross profile of the curve. Currently it features 4 styles: flat, square, bevel and round.
In the next version a half round style will be added, which can be useful to create fancy pool slides in combination with roller coaster tracks.
Which other shapes would you like to have?
And what will be a better name than "half round"?
half tube?
half circle?
pool slide?
michiel, 7 years ago
I cannot see the 3rd style dropdown but I assume it is set on "open" for the semi-circle?
Because the open or closed feature would be an asset for all shapes.
As for shapes a Star shape would be nice,
And control of the bevel would also be nice.
komies, 7 years ago
I would like a rail profile to create train circuits (maybe it will be possible to cusomize our profiles in future ?! (ie based on a font character)
vincent, 7 years ago
Maybe we can imagine a profile writer (+start writing position) a little like Revolved Angle in EPS layers
like this we can draw what we want.
vincent, 7 years ago
The skateboarders and snowboarders would call it a halfpipe, I think. Too old to be into that sort of thing... ;-)
amiga, 7 years ago
I think a star shape would be nice. :-))
And I like the name "pool slide" for the half round shape. :-))
Ulli, 7 years ago
I think a diversity of shapes and deformations of the shapes, this are a few front views:
Filip, 7 years ago
Thank you all for your feedback!
Loading custom shapes by selecting a 2nd EPS or by linking to another layer sounds like a sensible thing to do, but we worry it will make the GUI too abstract.
To keep it simple we think a small collection of ready to use shapes works better.
Half round has been renamed to halfpipe and your rails and star request have been implemented.
michiel, 7 years ago
The 3D sketch has been created with a Bixelangelo beta and is a hammerhead turn followed by a twisted clothoid loop.
michiel, 7 years ago
As it's being used length wise it's much more appropriately a gutter. Of which any bowler is quite familiar with.
However if you would like to maintain a touch of class:
Rather than being in the gutter, it might better be called a trough.
SMSgtRod, 7 years ago
Great Michiel, can't wait...
Filip, 7 years ago
Extruding along a path now working, Woow!
Kauzito, 7 years ago
They are all going to be great.
Jesus, 7 years ago
Hi Michiel, I hope we can texture all sides of the path. For example if I decide to use a custom EPS, and my EPS is a typical road cross-section, I assume that I will be able to texture the top of the EPS with a tarmac image and if possible a tarmac bump map. Is this possible?
Kauzito, 7 years ago
This can be done by preparing a texture in a paint app.
In this example the top is a black road with white stripes, the right side is purple, the left side is yellow and the bottom (not seen) is blue.
Top left is how it looks in Bixelangeo, top right is the texture and at the bottom is how it looks rendered by the sketch layer in BluffTitler.
michiel, 7 years ago
That is very good!! Thank you.
One last one; can I attach a model in each end of the path then animate both so that they pass each other at a certain point?
Kauzito, 7 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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