Filip | 9 years ago | 4 comments | 4 likes | 2.2K views
michiel, Dani, vincent and 1 other like this!
Blufftitler is amazing...
Oh if you want to donate ;-)
I have made a few shows and placed them on facebook to motivate my friends to donate.
I deleted the sound (The start of money, Pink floyd)
Nice progress bar!
Tip: to prevent the jumping of the number use the LEFT composition style (1st dropdown below the textbox). And for some badly designed fonts you might also have to mark the NORMALIZE NUMERALS checkbox in the MEDIA > CHANGE FONT dialog.
Success with the ride!
michiel, 9 years ago
Double Thnx, I tried the settings you adviced and it is a major improvement.
But there is a problem with the text scrollers. Especially with the second one. The motion isn't smooth and there are ghost immages. Do you now a way to stop this?
Filip, 9 years ago
Surprisingly, a simple 2D scroller is the most difficult to get smooth. Because it's such a simple movement, our brain immediately sees all imperfections. A 3D Star Wars scroller is easier.
What you can do is the following:
-use a higher framerate (chose FILE > EXPORT AS VIDEO... and set the FRAMES PER SECOND to 50)
-use motion blur (set the MOTION BLUR FRAMES property of the camera layer to 4)
michiel, 9 years ago