Filip | 9 years ago | 6 comments | 2.5K views
Is there a tutorial for the use of presets.
I try to create en use camera presets. But I want to use different presets for one camera in the time line.
Every time the chosen preset dominates the whole timeline.
I want this to get to use and understand the camera layer. and to get an movemant from the top view to another view.
Any suggestions?
Hello Filip,
You can't transition between cameras in a single show. You'll have to create the different views using keyframes and adjusting the cameras position and rotation to transition between those keyframes.
If you wanted to use more than one camera, the only work around would be to create multiple shows and use the playlist feature to transition between those shows.
Perhaps we can ask Michiel to create a transparency option on the camera layer to allow fading between cameras.
Also, yes, presets do dominate the camera layer. You cannot apply more than one preset to a camera layer at a time.
IntroChamp, 9 years ago
Introchamp thnx.
I have to experiment with the camera layer to fully understand and use it.
Filip, 9 years ago
Here's how it works in the current version:
-you can create as many camera layers as you want
-but only the first 4 are visible in the GUI
-and the 1st is exported in the video file
Maybe what we need is a system to determine which camera is being exported. This way we can jump more easily between camera shots.
michiel, 9 years ago
Can you have PIP (picture in picture)
Filip, 9 years ago