Filip | a year ago | 7 comments | 7 likes | 420 views

Alex-Raymond T., liuyongcai, PAT67 and 4 others like this!

I tried to get an animated Donut. That's not a problem.
I have the following problems:
- When animating with mixamo the model gets cracked
- Creating a simple (merged) texture is impossible.

Now I must state that the textures in the BT models are very simple and handy.

Michiel how did you do it.

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Mixamo has been designed for animating humanoids, I don't think it can handle donuts.

How would you like to animate your donut?

Maybe BixPack 21 can give you inspiration:

michiel, a year ago

This is my test

Filip, a year ago

Maybe increasing the polycount before feeding it to Mixamo can make it bend more smoothly.

When Mixamo can't handle your model, you could try rigging it in Blender or in a tool like this:

michiel, a year ago

Thnx Michiel. Still trying. No time to learn more complex software.

Filip, a year ago

C'est une animation appétissante

PAT67, a year ago

Donut Worry....brilliant!!

Franco Aversa, a year ago

Thnx Pat67 and Franco

Filip, a year ago

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