NextPreviousHomeInflated or Round text

Filip | 6 years ago | 4 comments | 3 likes | 2.2K views

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Trying BT to the limits.

We were asked for new text styles. I had some ideas.
The next question is what are the undiscovered possibilities of our favorite software.

I tried a lot of fonts with a round bevel style and Bevel property settings > 1 (the first two sliders). The settings have an effect to 10. A few fonts show a acceptable effect:
1 Greytoon
2 VAGRounded BT
3 Cartoon
Many fonts are not accepted, they sort of "crash" or they show a great and ugly distortion.
I will keep on trying, love the software!

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This is what's happening.

Be careful with the 1st slider of the BEVEL prop. To prevent distortion, make sure this value is not bigger than half the smallest thickness of your font. For the font used in the screenshot, this value is 2.1.

michiel, 6 years ago

Thnx Michiel I get it. But I'm not ready.

Filip, 6 years ago

What you can also test is to inflate the border with tubular round to make the text more bubbly.

komies, 6 years ago

Also a good idea but it isn't the show I had in mind. But I love the possibilities, thnx komies!

Filip, 6 years ago

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