michiel | 9 years ago | 5 comments | 10 likes | 3.4K views

B.Projects, persiana, Vanlen and 7 others like this!

Here's how I would create the 12-Stars-Dodecahedron-Sphere effect invented by Persiana.

I created a script that generates a single transparent texture containing all the 12 stars and render this texture by the picture layer using the SPHERE style.

It's easy and super fast. Only drawback is that it's impossible to change the photos without the script. We're planning to add this functionality to Bixorama, I'll keep you informed.

Thank you Persiana for the inspiration!

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Here's Persiana's original BeachballSticker solution:


michiel, 9 years ago

And here's B.Projects' 3D model solution:


michiel, 9 years ago

Muchas gracias Michiel, me encanta que este trabajando con mi inspiración.
El espectáculo quedó impresionante y es como yo lo imagine queriendo hacerlo en blufftitler.
No pude hacer las sugerencias que me aportó, porque aún no dispongo de Bixorama pero estas navidades tengo intención de comprarlo.

persiana, 9 years ago

Bien Michiel , yo compruebo que usted siempre satisface las necesidades de sus clientes , es buena idea usar Bixorama con algún tipo de función para que genere las 12 imágenes dentro de las estrellas (single files ) es una forma de escoger las doce imágenes que van dentro de las estrellas .

Me gustaría también que para estas navidades no se olvide de mi petición .

Michiel Well, I see that you always meet the needs of its customers, it is wise to use some kind Bixorama function to generate 12 images inside stars (single files) it is a way of choosing the twelve images that are within of stars.

I would also like for Christmas do not forget my request.

B.Projects, 9 years ago

Michiel is our Yoda!

vincent, 9 years ago

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About michiel

Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.

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