michiel | 12 years ago | 7 comments | 1 like | 7.5K views

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ivsEdits is a NLE system for post and live production developed and published by IVS.

Here's how to import a BluffTitler generated video into ivsEdits:
-right click in the Repository window and choose ADD FILES > FROM PROJECT FOLDERS
-drag the thumbnail of the video from the repository to the timeline

ivsEdits has no problems playing transparent videos!

For more information about ivsEdits click on the screenshot.


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Tips for using BluffTitler in combination with other applications can be found in the user guide:


michiel, 12 years ago

Seems powerful but the price is not friendly. Michiel did you used it, what advantages compare to Vegas ?

vincent, 12 years ago

I think a price is too high. surely is a professional level program (no doubt).
but (sony vegas pro) is also a professional-level program and costs much less.
sony vegas can edit HD video smoothly, is fast intuitive, and with a large library of fx.
also brings various audio effects fx 5.1 ect ect

maitegras, 12 years ago

Hello Michiel,
thank you very much for sharing your ivsEdits editing experience.
For the other guys, thank you for the positive comments on features, I understand that price gap with Vegas or some other NLEs may appear odd (some othere are more expansive), but there are many reasons that justify that gap. I'll try to describe some of them.
ivsEdits has several unique features, like Live on Timeline, Live Non Linear Multicamera Editing, Separated Outputs for Fill and Key, multi Blackmagic card support, and much more (ivsEdits bundles ivsOnAir for TV playout).
Moreover ivsEdits shares development cost on less users; this is a disadvantage on retail price, but it is a big advantage on support. If you need support you can talk with ivsEdits CEO, Project Manager and programmers.
Few years ago all NLEs were much more expansive, and development price was smaller. Each NLE supported one codec (its own). Now, while expenses go up, NLE price goes down (as well as the number of the sales). I don't think that this is susteinable, last year one of our competitors declared a loss of 10000000000,00USD, we can't afford the same ;-)

Warm Regards from Italy,

RobertoIVS, 12 years ago

it's better camtasia lol or windows movie maker xd

chespi650, 12 years ago

Hi Michiel,

It would be great if we could get a timeline like that in BT for layers.

IBMedia, 12 years ago

Agree with IBMedia, or for the less to have the possibility to zoom/unzoom keys timeline. For shows longer then 30 sec it become very difficult to distinguish keys when they are very close.

vincent, 12 years ago

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About michiel

Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.

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