michiel | 14 years ago | 13 comments | 4 likes | 5.2K views

kayserhans, Doc6768, LostBoyz and 1 other like this!

Your friends at Outerspace Software wish you a merry Christmas and a happy 2011!

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Merry Christmas to you Michiel. I can't thank you enough for your programs and free updates. You make it Christmas everyday for a lot of us.

GreenfishPete, 14 years ago

luck and health to you and your family.
Happy 2011

maitegras, 14 years ago

Being a new user I have found your comments very helpful. I hope you and your families a wonderful Holiday time.

Djdave, 14 years ago

The best for all: Outerspace team and BT users.

vincent, 14 years ago

Merry Christmas to you Michiel!

LostBoyz, 14 years ago

Merry Christmas to you and yours, Michiel! And we all hope 2011 will be a record year for BT!

jmarkt, 14 years ago

Best wishes Michiel to you and the Outerspace team for all the help and guidance you provide the Bluff Titler community - Have a great Christmas and a prosperouse New Year


Eddie, 14 years ago

all the best for a great new year to you sir and to the rest of the bluff community.

JimH, 14 years ago

Merry Christmas to you Michiel and your team,
please tell me how do you make this picture with bt, is this in 3d world or 2d, I use Shape Collage for making this effect but I see your image is more perfect than Shape collage products.

thank you very much for your beautiful application, I hope you add more digital signage options to your software in new year.

SamSaam, 14 years ago

The picture has been generated by an experimental collage application that we are playing around with. It takes 2 transparent pictures:
-a mask (in this case the text "ENJOY 2011")
-a brush (in this case a picture of our mascot Bix)

The application automatically fills the screen using the following rules:
-the mask is left empty
-the brushes are rendered in different sizes and rotations
-the brushes are rendered as big as possible
-the brushes are completely visible
-the brushes never overlap

Right now the result is a 2D picture but I think export as a .bt show file is possible. This will generate about 100 picture layers.

So many ideas and so little time. Glad there's a whole brand new year ahead of us!

michiel, 14 years ago

Merry Christmas to everyone !!

oldman1, 14 years ago

Merry xmas to you, Michael, and thanks for all the great things you have done this year to make Blufftitler even more outstanding....


dgk, 14 years ago

Dear Michiel,
Is it possible to regenerate this Function for 3D objects now?

SamSaam, 14 years ago

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About michiel

Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.

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