NextPreviousHomeTransparency not working in glb?

Filip | 8 months ago | 2 comments | 1 like | 264 views

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I'm creating screens voor the video "Vlam in de Pan". A musical as farewel to the school of my grandson. I'm doing this for years now.

I'm trying to create a glb and it looked like it would work. And I would beat the particles with a filmstrip.
But it the glb model the aniamation is not working

When I export the model I don't get a warning. But still it doesn't work.

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The GLB format supports transparency, but players are struggling with it so it's best to avoid half-transparency and limit yourself to fully opaque and fully transparent.

michiel, 8 months ago

These are two examples of transparency, I don't know how it is done?

shoji M, 8 months ago

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