Filip | 6 years ago | 9 comments | 9 likes | 1.9K views
PAT67, Ulli, Tintin and 6 others like this!
Tomorrow is Sinterklaasfeest in the Netherlands. But there are other copycats.
I'll present you an alien Sinterklaasfeest.
Mind you: The EZ-Piet is a "roetveeg" Piet (soot wipe piet). So this show is socially responsible ?.
It was quite a job to create a cape for Bix.
Echt briljante pakjes, super goed gedaan. Dat Sinterklaas inpakpapier werkt ook goed trouwens, net als de chocoladeletters!
Fijne pakjesavond Filip!
michiel, 6 years ago
Dank je, jij ook een gezellige avond morgen.
Filip, 6 years ago
Thnx all now up for Christmas and new year.
Filip, 6 years ago