Filip | 8 years ago | 19 comments | 6 likes | 2.7K views
komies, Ulli, LostBoyz and 3 others like this!
I'm doubting myself but this wasn't possible: Put containers in another container???? Was it?
Well in BT 13 it is possible!
Every tablet is a container and all tablets are put into another container.
And yes Dani it is one of the pictures from your link that you sent me.
I can confirm this,
One of the most requested feature Container in a Container has been granted without any explanation and or promotion of this.
I know that others with me are very pleased with this new feature, but I eagerly await Michiel his reaction to all this.
komies, 8 years ago
I'm not a fan of the container in container feature. It makes the shows unnecessary complex and difficult to understand by other designers. And most importantly, I have never needed it myself. I don't see any problems recreating Filip's show and komies' screenshot without using this feature.
As far as I'm concerned it will be removed in the final V13 release. But maybe you guys can convince me by posting something great that is impossible to do without nested containers.
michiel, 8 years ago
Michiel, please don't remove this feature, imagine to create a robot with eps, if you want move an arm composed itself with several eps place it in a container and you have just to move the arm sub-container, if this feature does not exist imagine the difficulty too move/rotate each piece of the arm at the same time.
Of course show is most complex to understand,but some shows are for personal uses and not for share and nobody is forced to use subcontaner, that doesn't affect shows without containers.
I really don't understand why you want to remove it in the final release, i hope this is a JOKE !!!
for the less let this feature only in ultimate version if you want. Remove this would be a serious turning back, i can't imagine this and i'm ready to create a petition and maybe .....a strike!
vincent, 8 years ago
Michiel , Instead of Container in container.... when we create another container can it possible give the
name" sub container" automatically. Then this will be easily understood that in this show they are
container and sub containers are there. You are saying main problem is "complex" or difficult to
understand shows, when we have lot of containers. Any how this is add on to bt,........yes i agree with you we must prove the power of this feature through our shows .
Dear friend Vincent don't go for strike..please ......impress Michiel with your beautiful show and show the power of this feature..
Thank you.
Dani, 8 years ago
Dani i love your Indian wisdom, you know the French people have the (justified) reputation to be
You're right the better is to demonstrate the legitimacy of this feature, i have no lot of time these days but i'll try to post a demonstration. Vive BluffTitler!
vincent, 8 years ago
I too have not much time,
The screenshot wasn't a show for demo purposes but for others to show that this indeed works.
I was flabbergasted, not by Filips statement but when I tried a little experiment that just worked, without any trickery, hidden options or explanation.
This cannot be a accidental option, this is a well thought feature that was highly requested.
I can just imagine Michiel his smile by putting this in and doesn't tell anyone to see how long it would take for use to figure out and anticipating our reaction to it.
Well Michiel you got us, the senior members have burned our hands to often that this became dogma, and excepted that it would be unobtainable. And now that we have found the HOLY GRAIL we have been put to the final test to prove it and our worthiness. (The Last Crusade 1989)
And yes limitations forces us to be creative, but options gives us freedom to choose.
And the reason why it should stay in is easy: it's a time saver, easier to edit/fix movement parts of a whole object, etc...
komies, 8 years ago
Imagine this B.Project animation with and without subcontainers, without subcontainers you can multiply number of key and time by 50 or 100
vincent, 8 years ago
I need the container and the (sub-)container.
Because it suits my basic logic the container has no specific purpose only to put some layers in.
So the container looks like a directory structure with the possibility of subdirectories.
It structures and in put together things that belong together and that you move together.
I know there are alternatives but they don't fit my kind of logic and the have their own advantages and disadvantages,
Filip, 8 years ago
This function must !!!
Do not remove!!!
//imagine to create a robot with eps, if you want move an arm composed itself with several eps place it in a container and you have just to move the arm sub-container, if this feature does not exist imagine the difficulty too move/rotate each piece of the arm at the same time.//
YES Vincent!!
LostBoyz, 8 years ago
In this simple example arms are subcontainers and there is just to rotate container to rotate the 3 layers included in container, same for head which rotate with 9 eps layers Inside, same show without subcontainers would be a headache. For me BlufTitler is more than a titler.
(See the list of layers not so complex - colourmap layer is just for round window on the body)
vincent, 8 years ago
Thank you Vincent for fighting the good fight, I knew that this would be a feature that you would fight for because is was the number one feature you requested when asked "what would make Blufftitler even better".
Thanks to Filip to just try and do this, because speaking for myself, I don't even considered doing this because I excepted that this would never work and that it could never work and if it would work there would be a great announcement since this s a huge and highly requested feature.
Thanks to Lostboyz for fighting for this feature to stay in.
Thanks to Dani for being the voice of reason and trying to keep the community together.
Thanks to Michiel for making this possible and letting us have this.
And Stupid me for not realizing this sooner that in order for the colourmap layer work it had to behave like a container to contain the merged show even if this merged shows are using containers themselves and therefore must have had to overcome this Container in Container limitation. Stupid stupid stupid.
So thank you again Michiel for keeping us on our toes and try to do things even if you are saying that they are not possible, it's just a shame to prove Einstein wrong because of what he said:
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Now I will try to copy many keys at once in a timeline and paste them behind these in order to create a looped motion for instance to make something walk or run until this works. (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
Because the hell with preconceived notions and laws of nature, doubt everything and everyone. ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ ) LoL
komies, 8 years ago
Thank you Vincent, Michiel,Filip,LB, and Komies. i love the way you all people involved in this " Container" point.
moral of the stroy:
There is a lot to learn from this Container topic:
(After watching vincent show michiel was very happy because ....for their hard work result seen in vincent show this is what michiel wants)
we all must show the power of BT to the rest of the world" only through our dedicated shows"
For to me bt is like a ocean to learn, we have to give the best from our bt.
i know that Michiel and team worked very hard to bring this dedicated version 13, they may have some sleepless nights too. ( imagine last 5 months we have no updates from Friday, April 22nd 2016) so we must all appropriate their dedicated work.
Long live Container( Michiel & team) and sub container( BT community) family.
Lover of bt.
Dani, 8 years ago
It is the diversity of the personalities that makes this community great, komies, you are not very indulgent with yourself to flog you so, you are one of essentials for your expertise. Vive BluffTitler, Outerspace team and all gallery members.
vincent, 8 years ago
Thank you all, especialy Vincent for the brilliant show, with use of the containers and eps files.
I only dream of this kind of perfection.
Michiel Thanks for keeping the containers in a container possibility.
Blufftitler 13 = Awesome.
Filip, 8 years ago