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Filip | a year ago | 11 comments | 433 views

Where are some of the Masters of BluffTitler?

I look back on the sharp and sometimes technical contributions of Komies and Selina. I miss them!

Maybe they could shed extra light on the subject of a Bluff AI.

Luckily there are other masters active, such as Vincent, LostBoyz, Dani and Franco

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Bonjour Filip,
Je suis de ton avis.

Eddy, a year ago

It's not about how well someone can work BluffTitler.
It's about how well one can code a Python to have an AI work BluffTitler.

Decentralized, a year ago

AI+BT, It’s food for thought.
We should know what we expect from an AI as a BT user?
Personally I don't have the slightest idea because I don't know how the AI ​​can handle BT.
For the moment at my level I only see the use of materials generated by AI (pics, video, vector images)
PS: Filip, in your list you can add : Alex-Raymond, Liuyongcai, Ulli, Filip, Decentralized...

This is what happens when you ask AI to build you a house...not bad 🤨

vincent, a year ago

Vincent thnx but I'm not a AI type of guy. Programming and me.....brr.

I like new, but easy challenges.
By the way I love your house.

The first question is which IA???

Filip, a year ago

Decentralized you are the nearest person I know with knowledge of AI/Python.
I can't decide wich AI I should us.
At last one that is user friendly and one that is free or cheap.

Filip, a year ago

A few days ago I experimented some AI material in BT with chromakey. Intersting for background animations.

vincent, a year ago

Very interesting

Which is AI and which is BT?

Filip, a year ago

Thank you, Vincent. You are very kind. And great work you did there.

Filip, sadly I don't know much about coding or python. I just heard others talking about it.

But if you want to dabble in AI generation for pictures and video for free. I would recommend Leonardo AI, you get 150 free credits a day to work with.

Tutorial for Beginners in 12 MINS

Decentralized, a year ago

Yes, I too would love to see more BluffTitler artists showing their work and sharing their tips and tricks in this community. Here's a brilliant show I found today on YT.

michiel, a year ago

Love the music and the text. The resolution could be better.
It swings!

Filip, a year ago

Looks like Markruz's video 🤨
Girl head is an AI generated video that i have inserted in 2 layers then i played with Chromakey effect and colors to create an animated background.

vincent, a year ago

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