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Filip | a year ago | 4 comments | 407 views

I want to create a flying creature in the air who flying behind the clouds and in front of other clouds. I can't select the clouds and separate them of the sky.

Someone a tip?

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The Special\DepthOnly effect works great with fully opaque, rectangular shapes.

Like, for example, a milk carton:

Or a skyscraper:

The clouds in your photo are half transparent, irregular shapes so this does not work.

In this case I would cut out the cloud in Photoshop, save it as a transparent PNG and render it on top of the skybox layer with a picture layer using the SPHERE, 3D IN 3D SPACE and FLAT styles. The distance of the cloud can be set with the SIZE prop.

In the screenshot you can see 3 UFOs. One of them is half behind the half transparent cloud. Another one in front of the same cloud.

3 important details:
-place the picture layer at the same position as the camera layer, probably both at (0, 0, 0)
-use the NotLightened effect
-because the camera is inside the sphere, flip the picture horizontally by setting the SIZE prop to something like (-5, 5, 5)

michiel, a year ago

thnx Michiel

Filip, a year ago

The cloud skybox PNG of the screenshot looks like this. The checkerboard is fully transparent.

michiel, a year ago


Filip, a year ago

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