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Filip | 5 years ago | 8 comments | 7 likes | 1.5K views

Dani, michiel, Tintin and 4 others like this!

Thnx for all the support and the good words. This is the best I can do....there are of course variations in the styles of the particles...but I like this one. The particles are made with the Inflate.cfx effect.
Learned a lot about the possibilities of the particle layer. Waiing for new inspiration....and new effects?

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Well done, Filip

The next step would be to do pictures and morph to another picture with these particles and let the colourmap change to by setting chameleon property.

komies, 5 years ago

Very good Filip, great effects, now you are a Master of particles

vincent, 5 years ago

Yes particles are awesome...good job Filip...

Dani, 5 years ago

Bravo Filip ces particules avec l'effet inflate.cfx ( il fallait y penser ) sont forts intéressantes.

PAT67, 5 years ago

Good comes the effect Filip

elvis66, 5 years ago

Este también es genial Filip

persiana, 5 years ago

Filip, excelente y bien hecho.

Jesus, 5 years ago

Great effect and it looks very good.

Ulli, 5 years ago

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