Filip | 5 years ago | 8 comments | 7 likes | 1.5K views
Dani, michiel, Tintin and 4 others like this!
Thnx for all the support and the good words. This is the best I can do....there are of course variations in the styles of the particles...but I like this one. The particles are made with the Inflate.cfx effect.
Learned a lot about the possibilities of the particle layer. Waiing for new inspiration....and new effects?
Well done, Filip
The next step would be to do pictures and morph to another picture with these particles and let the colourmap change to by setting chameleon property.
komies, 5 years ago
Bravo Filip ces particules avec l'effet inflate.cfx ( il fallait y penser ) sont forts intéressantes.
PAT67, 5 years ago
Good comes the effect Filip
elvis66, 5 years ago
Filip, excelente y bien hecho.
Jesus, 5 years ago