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Franco Aversa | 5 years ago | 13 comments | 7 likes | 1.3K views

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Thanks for choosing pink colour, Franco

komies, 5 years ago

nothing is a pleasure!

Franco Aversa, 5 years ago

Bubbling with joy with your

Dani, 5 years ago

Great show Franco. Love the bubble's

Filip, 5 years ago

Faut pas se coincer la bulle pour faire un tel spectacle , bravo Franco.

PAT67, 5 years ago

It reminds me of what's left after chewing a chewing-gum Malabar. Well done Franco.

vincent, 5 years ago

Haha Ghostbusters really good Franco

elvis66, 5 years ago

Muy bien Franco

persiana, 5 years ago


I didn't understand why the letters on the sides tend to disappear

Franco Aversa, 5 years ago

Franco, I tried to remake this show and I saw the same problem. When the particle size is to low the right part of the text is not covered. In the picture the Picture size value is 2,2,2

I had to increase the "Particle size" value to 8,8,8 to cover the whole text.
Did you find another explanation. Maybe a question for Michiel?

Filip, 5 years ago

Thanks Filip,
it is the first time that it happens sincerely, I don't know from what it can depend, I have tried to increase also the speed and the particles emitted. Perhaps the longer the writing, the more time the particles take to cover it. Perhaps Michiel can explain to us how to improve

Franco Aversa, 5 years ago

Franco, when using the blob style, all particles are rendered as a single mesh (3D model). To make sure the animation keeps on performing in realtime, BluffTitler uses a max of 200.000 vertices per mesh.

I think you generate too many vertices. An easy way to prevent this is to use bigger particles.

michiel, 5 years ago

I like your test, Franco

Ulli, 5 years ago

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I'm a videomaker since 1986, now I work at my company.

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