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Filip | 2 years ago | 12 comments | 9 likes | 887 views

Ulli, Decentralized, liuyongcai and 6 others like this!

I've made several Bix animation with Mixamo.

Now I have to create a good show with it.

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I've also tried to let Mixamo auto-rig Bix, but with less success than you. The app seems to work less effective with aliens than with humanoids.

Could you share your settings? Obviously 2 circles are tricky: the chin (turqoise) and the groin (pink).

michiel, 2 years ago

Here's an idea for the V16 promo vid: Bix dancing on a hand of an animated avatar.

Bix is attached to the hand node of the avatar. This way it automatically follows the animation of the avatar. This new feature was not yet implemented in the beta you are using.

michiel, 2 years ago

haha, super awesome. I love it.

Decentralized, 2 years ago


I put the chin under the lip and the groin in the lowest position.
I think the position can somewhat lower.
Nice Idea for a promo vid, I'll try it.

Filip, 2 years ago

Bix let's it all out in this show. Never thought he would be so agile. Great presentation!

Thor5ten, 2 years ago

Cool show Filip :)

Michiel, Is the new BT beta version available? ☺️

LostBoyz, 2 years ago

Very interesting.

vincent, 2 years ago

Bravo Filip ! bonne idée de réanimer Bix !
J'avais essayé il y a un peu plus d'un an (voir les liens ci-dessous), mais c'était trop en avance sur les versions de BT, avec la version 16 le travail sera plus facile et de meilleur qualité.
Sans garantie, mais pour améliorer encore, il est peut-être possible de travailler sur les contrainte du mesh de Bix avec Blender.
Et j'envisage aussi d'animer le rover Persévérance également. De belles perpectives de travail...

Well done Filip! good idea to revive Bix!
I had tried a little over a year ago (see the links above), but it was too far ahead of BT's versions, with version 16 the work will be easier and of better quality.
Without guarantee, but to further improve, it may be possible to work on the constraints of the Bix mesh with Blender.
And I also plan to animate the Perseverance rover as well. Great job prospects...

Alex-Raymond T., 2 years ago

The placement of the chin close to the groin for the bix obj works well

Rorysee, 2 years ago

Thank you Filip and Rorysee for your settings. With extreme poses, I'm still experiencing artifacts around the mouth, but it works much better. Thanks!

Alex-Raymond T, your "Je m'appelle Adam" video looks amazing!

LostBoyz, a new beta is underway.

michiel, 2 years ago

This is awesome, Filip.

Ulli, 2 years ago

Excelentes tips gracias Filip

gato@mo, 2 years ago

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