Filip | 7 years ago | 7 comments | 8 likes | 2.5K views
LostBoyz, Dani, Tintin and 5 others like this!
A purely(?) dutch tradition when you have your 50th birthday you get an Abraham.
It's a special birthday.
So I created this show for the next time a friend or relative turns 50.
The party hats and the balloons are created as I told in this article:
The garland is made with the waving flag layer.
And the warning ribbon is a PNG picture layer with the plane2rol.cfx effect.
The show isn't quite finished. I feel that it's missing the finishing touch......waiting for the next inspiration boost.
But, some here might be seeing Sarah as I recall.
Nice start there Filip....!!!
SMSgtRod, 7 years ago
Gefeliciteerd Filip?
The next step in revolved eps is a more complex shape out of image:
and use one half of it in one color (preferably white because with the colour slider it can become any color) and use this image as .eps and use revolved style and add colorstrip from the image with reflectionmap like in the example bix-image.
Dan weet je nu ook waar je de mosterd vandaan haalt :)
Dani has alot of birthday and celebration shows posted here that can give you inspiration.
en nog vele jaren oude kerel.
komies, 7 years ago
Thnx all.
@Komies thank you for the new tips. Like to try them out.
@SMSgtRod we also now the Sarah part.
Filip, 7 years ago