
Epsilon | 7 years ago | 2 comments | 1.1K views

A chaque fois que j'ouvre Blufftitler il me faut enregistrer mes codes à nouveau, Pourquoi?
Pourquoi Blufftitler n'est pas en Français ?

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This is a rare problem that we've never have been able to reproduce.

Fortunately the few other users that have reported the same problem have informed us that it can be fixed by rebooting your computer. So with a bit of luck this trick also works for you,

Maybe this is why most installers require that you restart your computer.

michiel, 7 years ago

To switch to French, choose SETTINGS > OPTIONS... In this dialog you can select the language.

The latest, fully updated French translation can be downloaded from the download page:

michiel, 7 years ago

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