michiel | a year ago | 15 comments | 11 likes | 1.4K views
Alex-Raymond T., Tintin, Ilja and 8 others like this!
In this new Bix-up I've used a Maya temple, a UFO, a family of howling monkeys and a few other ingredients. Ride the magic escalator and meet the mystery priest waiting for you at the top!
Tikal temple: myminifactory.com...
Anaconda: sketchfab.com...
UFO: Windows 3D Viewer library
Bix: BluffTitler installer: outerspace-software.com...
Trees: palm tree from the Bixelangelo installer: outerspace-software.com...
Skybox (360° photo): dreamstime.com...
Ground: ambientcg.com...
Bix's jaguar skin: stock.adobe.com...
Howling monkeys: audiojungle.net...
The escalator is built out of 3 sketch layers, all using the same EPS files drawn in Bixelangelo:
One of them is invisible (using the Invisible effect) with a text layer attached, making the escalator steps. The text is something like IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, and the Text\RainbowText effect is used to colour the steps.
This sketch layer uses the new ESCALATOR style:
michiel, a year ago
You can find realistic escalators on Sketchfab, but not all of them are animated. Animating an escalator model is unfortunately not as easy as rolling the wheels of a car.
Plus we think the abstract, colourful escalator looks much more interesting!
michiel, a year ago
Love it. Maybe an idea for The Dom tower in my birthplace.
Filip, a year ago
Hello everyone,
Back temporarily from vacation, I have just discovered the novelties of BT and your many shows.
Congratulations to all.
@Michiel: Would it be possible to attach a glb object, like the "text of I" steps to an escalator sketch, in order to have characters in sync with the steps. I tried to work around by using container , it doesn't work. By duplicating the escalotor sketch, it is practically impossible to synchronize correctly. Thank you so much.
Media test files. Thanks to Vincent for his "escalator2023P.eps" file:
Alex-Raymond T., a year ago
Thank you all!
Alex-Raymond, no need to use an extra sketch layer. Attach the model layer to the same sketch layer, set the ESCALATOR SPEED prop to 0 and animate the WRITER prop.
michiel, a year ago
Thanks Michiel, it works great! You just have to double the sketch layer, because it disappears with the animation writer.
Alex-Raymond T., a year ago
Decentralized, the UFO comes with the Windows 3D Viewer library:
-start the 3D Viewer app
-choose FILE > 3D LIBRARY
-select the FLYING SAUCER
-choose FILE > SAVE AS
This model features 3 animations, it's number 3 that has the animated, glowing rings. To select this animation in BluffTitler, set the ANIMATION prop of the model layer to 3.
michiel, a year ago
Michiel, thank you very much. I had downloaded it but did not think to check animations. It is perfect for this project I'm working on. Thanks again.
Decentralized, a year ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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