NextPreviousHomeT-Pose effect obsolete in V16?

Thor5ten | 2 years ago | 4 comments | 571 views

As someone not invited to the beta test I have to ask before starting a new project, will the t-pose effect from V15 be replaced by the ability to import GLB in V16 or does it supplement the previous effect?

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When the 3D model is rigged and animated it would be silly to use the T-Pose effect. But when the model is static, the T-Pose effect is still a good way to bring it to life!

michiel, 2 years ago

Okay, thank you for clarifying that both effects will coexist but have different use cases.

Thor5ten, 2 years ago

My advice is to start getting some GLB models now. Get the hang of using this website:

You can upload non-GLB (preferably in T-Pose) models into it and then select what animations for it you want. Not all models are going to work. And when you download the animated model you made it saves in FBX file, you then will need to covert it to GLB. There are websites that will convert for you. But I like using windows 3D viewer bec you can easily view your models in it. In case you forget which model does what. And it's easy to covert FBX to GLB in 3D viewer. just click save as, and then change .fbx to .glb in the file name. I've found that if a model works in 3D viewer, it tends to also work in Bluff.
All that takes a little time, so I advise to get a head start.

Decentralized, 2 years ago

Thanks Decentralized. I will look into it, so that I'm fully ready when V16 gets released and I can finally participate.

Thor5ten, 2 years ago

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