Franco Aversa | 3 years ago | 11 comments | 8 likes | 952 views
Decentralized, liuyongcai, Tintin and 5 others like this!
The ESA Mars Express and Roscosmos scientist pairs have announced that they have foud liquid water on Mars. The discovery was made using Marsis, the ground-penetrating radar onboard the Mars Express spacecraft. The liquid water is located in a region called the Valley marineris, where it forms dark markings spread across the surface of Mars that soak up much more sunlight than their surroundings.
Wow nice show!
Filip, 3 years ago
Thanks, they are the animations of the Bixpack, but I have modified them to tell the news of the liquid water on Mars
Franco Aversa, 3 years ago
Merci Franco pour cette magnifique présentation. On aurait dit que tu étais le vidéographe. Bonne & Heureuse Année 2022 en espérant que cette pandémie disparaisse. A+
Eddy, 3 years ago
It was the least to mention BluffTitler, since the animations are those of the BixPack and since you arrived first on Mars by Elon Musk ... LOL
Franco Aversa, 3 years ago
Terraforming Mars must be pretty complex.
But it's easy in BluffTitler. To create this screenshot I only had to add a skybox layer and a water layer 😁
michiel, 3 years ago
And I had forgotten the clouds! I've updated the screenshot with a skybox layer.
Next step: sea monsters 🦑😉
michiel, 3 years ago
I'm a videomaker since 1986, now I work at my company.
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