NextPreviousHomeBlufftitler Tilt Brush

komies | 8 years ago | 12 comments | 9 likes | 3.8K views

Dani, michiel, agpvn and 6 others like this!

I was at an friend who had the HTC VIVE VR glasses with Google Tilt Brush software.

It was wonderful to draw in 3d space in his living room.
I've only drawn the Blufftitler by Komies part in an existing environment.
Which is very easy and fast to learn, making more realistic objects would take some practice and time.

Export are in screenshots, animated gifs and video but also in .FBX model format.
But we did only export it as video, but did not save the file :(

If I may dream: A combination with Blufftitler for making 3d sketches out of air :)

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Very good, something surprising. Congratulations.

Jesus, 8 years ago

Impressive results! 3D sketches offer new possibilities in animation. I like theses colors & neons effects! great sperm cells too!

vincent, 8 years ago

Wonderful show!!! what's the magic, in each room,

Dani, 8 years ago

Only thing we have to do is to convert FBX to X. Here's an online tool:

michiel, 8 years ago

espectáculo francamente extraordinario

persiana, 8 years ago


Filip, 8 years ago

I've already export and converted a simple test on the same day :)

But as I guest it, in the export just the drawn brush stokes, with the textures aside.
It just doesn't feel the same and off course all animation is gone.

It looks like sketches made with Bixangelo, just in 3d and no way to animate with writer because of model format.

It also looks different on the tv/monitor then thru the VIVE VR.

The experience to walk around something that you have drawn in the air with all it's vibrant colors and animation is hard to explain in text or 2d representation.

This was a simple painting program but it would be nice to see how this experience translates to 3d modeling and surface painting so you can built a classic motorcycle in your living room from scratch.

komies, 8 years ago

Wonderful Komies

agpvn, 8 years ago

Looks awesome, of course the ensemble is a little expansive, but result is here! It's too bad that we can't use exported 3D sketches in Blufftitler.

vincent, 8 years ago

komies, what other export formats are supported next to FBX?

michiel, 8 years ago

Tilt Brush has the ability to export to .fbx and a custom json format that is mostly useful for user-written exporters. To export, go to settings and click the little Erlenmeyer flask in the top right corner. Some extra options should pop up in the middle of your play space. Click the Export button at the bottom. It should give you a little notification that the export was successful.

The export produces a .fbx file in C:\Users\Username\Documents\Tilt Brush\Exports. This file can be edited in modeling software like Maya, 3DS Max, Blender etc. They can also be uploaded to websites such as to be viewed by everyone as interactive 3D models, or imported into Unity3D and Unreal. Keep in mind that unless you use a shader supporting vertex colors you'll be presented with only a grey 3D mesh of your model. See the Tilt Brush release notes for shaders you can use with Unity3D.

The export also produces a .json file which can be further converted or manipulated by Python scripts supplied with Tilt Brush. Keep in mind that colors are not supported by the obj file format. Also, this may seem like a long process, but the steps are simple and the setup only has to be done once.

If this is all you need, stop reading here. If you want a .obj, or if you want to customize the .fbx conversion, read on.


komies, 8 years ago

When you e-mail a few json files we'll see if it's possible to convert them to EPS files for use in the sketch later.

michiel, 8 years ago

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