
amiga | 15 years ago | 4 comments | 2.6K views

I was just playing around (after I get inspired to do so by all the great submissions) with the transparency property of the text layer.

I can't tell if it is just a limitation of my old GForce 5 video card, or if I'm misunderstanding that property. Does a transparency setting of 0.5 make text 50% "see through" or just 50% visible?

I don't recall ever seeing an animation that has see through text, but it might be neat...

Any thoughts or ideas?

Thanks in advance!

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What's the difference between "50% see through" and "50% visible"?

michiel, 15 years ago

I guess I'm not very clear... Does transparency just make text fade out, or will it allow text that is behind it be partially visible "through" the front layer of transparent text? I ask because I made a text layer 0.5 transparent, then cloned it and shifted the clone slightly to the right. They both appeared to be solid text and neither was visible "through" the other, but it may just be my old video card...


amiga, 15 years ago

I think you have to move one of the texts a bit closer or further away from the camera. (by using the 3th slider of the position property)

michiel, 15 years ago

Sorry, I feel silly now... ;-)

It works GREAT, as all the other BT functions! Can't wait for the next version!

amiga, 15 years ago

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