Filip | 7 years ago | 13 comments | 3.5K views

Tree it is a beautiful program. Some of you has managed to export it to .x and import it to Blufftitler.

I get only the leafs and no trunk or branches am I doing something wrong?

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Bonjour Filip
Je ne sais pas si ça peut vous aider, j'ai récupéré sur
un sapin il me semble l'avoir converti en model.x avec blender
Peut être vous manque t il des textures ?
Désolé j'arrive pas à joindre u
le fichier du model

PAT67, 7 years ago

In Tree it, choose the menu item File > Export > DirectX Object (*.X)

This generates 1 .X model file and a few textures in the .DDS format.

In BluffTitler, choose LAYER > Add layer > Add model layer... and select the .X file

Here's a discussion about Tree it:

michiel, 7 years ago

About trunks in TreeIt
Some trunks do not appear in the rendered output. This a bug in the dds files of these trunks.
To bypass this bug, you have to convert thr dds files of these trunks in PNG with a converter program
After, in the submenu trunks, you choose the png file instead of the dds.

Jeep35, 7 years ago

For this reason we have converted the DDS files to PNG in the Roller coasters pack:

michiel, 7 years ago

I had converted all the models:

to download them:

Franco Aversa, 7 years ago

Thnx all: cconverting the trunks to .png did the trick.

Filip, 7 years ago

I love Tree It and have no problem importing in to BT.

But when creating a tree in tree it, it sways in the wind fine,
and stands stiff as a board in BT.
Can we get the trees to wave to a breeze in BT?

SMSgtRod, 7 years ago

To my knowledge only Speedtree can do that but it's far from a free software. It has been used in Jurassic Park and Avatar movies.

Look at this post :

Jeep35, 7 years ago

Using the Vegetation option the tree bends with the breeze, but doesn't have the
realism that TreeIt or SpeedTree offer.
I did TreeIt setting the background to blue, recording it, remove the blue
and inserting the video in BT.
Disadvantage there is it's 2D, not 3D. Same as your SpeedTree video.
It's a shame all the beautiful motion of TreeIt can't be utilized.
Or, maybe it can, I just don't know how.

SMSgtRod, 7 years ago

The wind option in Speedtree offers the 3D realism as you can modulate the power of the wind and outpout as 3D. In TreeIt, the vegetation moves as you work but this move is not reproductible in output.

Jeep35, 7 years ago

From what I gather SpeedTree's animation can not be brought
to BT in 3D. You used a video file to incorporate in BT
as I did with the TreeIt. Both of which are 2D.

SMSgtRod, 7 years ago

The tree can bend with the breeze by applying the Special\Vegetation effect:
-select the layer that is rendering the tree
-select the Special\Vegetation effect
-clear the textures
-click OK
-set the FX WIND SPEED property to about 0.1
-play around with the other properties

michiel, 7 years ago

@michiel.... correct but as I said earlier the vegetation option
doesn't give the realism that TreeIt has when you are working
up a tree.
The vegetation option will bend the tree in the breeze, where as
TreeIt has animation of the individual branches and leaves.

SMSgtRod, 7 years ago

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