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chaver | 7 years ago | 10 comments | 2.2K views

Is it possible to convert the bluff output avi video to other transparent format that are not so big files and what kind of formats are the best

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There are at least 2 ways of managing transparent video files containing a transparent channel

1- use ffmpeg
This software has no interface, you must write each function in the cmd screen of Windows
For exemple, to extract the alpha channel from a RGBA video file, you write
ffmpeg -i -vf alphaextract,format=420p
The ffmpeg.exe file must be in the same directory as the video file to be treated
For example, to extract the alpha channel from and have it in mp4 :
ffmpeg -i -vf alphaextract,format=420p test.mp4

2- use of Bojo Video Converter
This free software generates both an avi file from a sequence of PNG files (you may select this kind of output in BT) and the alpha channel so you can use this alpha channel as mak layer in a NLE software to overlay the video.

Jeep35, 7 years ago

With ffmpeg you may use it as format converter. For example to convert a file from .avi to .mp4 you write
ffmpeg -i test.avi test.mp4

The best is to create .bat files of these scripts that you could run only by changing the name of the files.

Jeep35, 7 years ago

There's nothing wrong with huge video files when editing. In fact, for maximum quality you should do all your editing with uncompressed files. File size only matters in the very last step: when you encode your masterpiece before sending it into the world.

As far as I know, the MP4 format does not support transparency.

The AVI format does, but codecs that support transparency *and* compression are rare. I think this is because transparent videos are rarely the final product. I use a lot of transparent videos when editing, but the final product is always an MP4 without transparency.

I advise you to buy a huge external harddisk and store all your temporary videos files there.

michiel, 7 years ago

Thank you Jeep

chaver, 7 years ago

Thank you Michiel

chaver, 7 years ago

hihihi, I have 8 tb in HD !!

Franco Aversa, 7 years ago

Here is my experience :
I use some particle editors like ParticleIllusion and Timeline FX Editor.
With these software I choose outputs as sequences of images in PNG. After that, I encode these sequences in AVI with Bojo Video Converter using the H264 or H265 codec. Bojo gives me 2 files on the fly : one is the normal video the second is the alpha channel video. In my NLE I can use both files and I give the status of masking layer to the alpha channel video and the full video becomes an overlay layer.

I've tried the same process with BT and it works fine

You may also use VirtualDub to encode the sequence of images but it gives a single uncompressed AVI file of huge size (2 Gb for a 10 seconds clip). After the process I extract the alpha channel and convert in MP4 with ffmpeg as described above.

Jeep35, 7 years ago

I have 32tb of HD.
But a BT file of 13gb does seem a bit extreme.

SMSgtRod, 7 years ago

Thank you Jeep.You seems like an expert.

chaver, 7 years ago

I recommend Lagarith Lossless Video Codec.

It will let BluffTitler create compressed avi files (including transparency) and has no loss in quality.

Compression ratios vary with the screen content

The Lagarith files work fine with Premiere and also play in VNC.

Grooves, 7 years ago

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