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chaver | 8 years ago | 5 comments | 7 likes | 2.3K views

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Planet test

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I knew that diamond exoplanets existed but I did not know that there was gold planets too!

vincent, 8 years ago

Vincent i discovered it yesterday with my super telescope.It is 2 kilometers east of the milky way

chaver, 8 years ago

Gold is about 3 times heavier than iron, it must have a supernova as its sun. I don't believe such an exoplanet has already been discovered. This is an amazing. Congratulations!!! :^)

michiel, 8 years ago

You must name your planet ie CHAVER20161219_1 or maybe use

vincent, 8 years ago

Lol Michiel and Vincent :)

chaver, 8 years ago

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