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Filip | 7 years ago | 2 comments | 1.7K views

I try to make a deboss effect with blufftitler but I haven't found a solution.

Does somebody have an idea?

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Emboss is a technique 2D apps like Photoshop use to simulate displacement mapping.

Of course BluffTiter can do the real thing:
-create a displacement map in your paint app: whiter means higher (more displacement)
-open this picture in BluffTitler by creating a new picture layer (choose LAYER > ADD LAYER > ADD PICTURE LAYER...)
-apply the Effects/Displacementmap effect (choose MEDIA > CHANGE EFFECT...)
-play around with the FX DISPLACEMENT SIZE prop. To deboss use a negative value.

Best results are achieved with a high resolution picture with lots of blur.

michiel, 7 years ago

Michiel Thnx, a new challenge!

Filip, 7 years ago

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