lightads | 7 years ago | 2 comments | 986 views
Hi folks spline extrusions can we create them in bluff or do we need to use a 3D application and import into bluff?
any tutorials on spline extusions
You're in luck because a new version of Bixangelo is on it's way.
You can make 2d sketches with Bixangelo and even In Blufftitler it wil make a sketch out of a geometric shape border of a transparant background image like .PNG.
Here are some links about the new Bixangelo features:
komies, 7 years ago
Ok that looks great much appreciated.
I have an old version of bixangelo must be about 10 years old . I never used it because I always used animated masked text in/ in Boris Red in my projects but this looks awesome.
So are we going to set up our own profiles for extrusion?
Can I ask please set path for images = the principle is the same except you use the path and your images will be setup along the path. So as the camera follows path it follows images or photos etc.
If I have an extrusion x file can I use the write fx on it …I had a go but null result.
when is bix new vesion available?
lightads, 7 years ago
Using 3D BluffTitler to give me the edge in my video editing :)
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