lightads | 4 years ago | 4 comments | 1.1K views
I'm using i7 that is hyper threaded. I know the i7 has only 4 physical cores but since it's hyper threaded the CPU shows 8 processor available for functionality. Bluff is only using 4 of these processors.
BluffTitler directs all the hard work not to your CPUs, but to your graphics card (the GPU). If you want BluffTitler to perform better, invest in a faster GPU.
Remember that all the effects (the CFX files) run on your GPU.
Some systems have multiple GPUs installed. In the DRIVERS tab of the SETTINGS > OPTIONS... dialog you can select the graphics adapter, which is an abstraction on top of a GPU or a virtual GPU. Almost always DEFAULT is the fastest, but in rare cases it pays off to switch to another.
michiel, 4 years ago
So 64bit did nothing? Because it is all GPU!
Lightads: In taskmanager select Proccesses and right click and add GPU.
Now render a video in super high quality and watch Cpu and Gpu loads.
I predict that your Cpu will not reach 29% with only Blufftitler running.
And your Gpu just show peaks. This is because the Gpu is waiting on instructions of the CPU (drawcalls). With the app GPU-Z you will see this more evident because taskmanager averages the data.
To make Blufftitler Directx12 and multithreaded is very difficult because off synchroning. The biggest software and game developers have this only about 3 years for graphics.
And that is the short watercooler talk about this difficult issue.
Now the question what are you doing that needs all that power? Can you show us?
komies, 4 years ago
Using 3D BluffTitler to give me the edge in my video editing :)
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