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lightads | 6 months ago | 8 comments | 1 like | 285 views

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I have asked this before. Would it be possible to move the VISIBLE ✔ checkbox next to the layer. I use this a lot to see what layer are active and sometimes disable the layer while editing. It may seem like a small unnecessary change however it helps to speed up editing.
Please please try.

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oke let go!

bambamD, 6 months ago

Do you know that you can toggle the VISIBLE checkbox by pressing <Ctrl> , ? When controlling the LAYERS dropdown with your right hand, you can press <Ctrl> , with your left hand. Hold your pink on the , key and your index finger on the right <Ctrl> key. This way you can easily scroll through the layers and make them visible/invisible.

Similar to how you use <Ctrl> c and <Ctrl> v with your left hand pink and index finger.

michiel, 6 months ago

Yes I know.
When I mouse wheel up/down thru the layers I get to see if they're active or not. Having to look to the right all the time then back to the layer drop down to see the layer info is not helpful. Having it right there next to the layer makes more sense since it's related. There is space on the UI to fit it in.

lightads, 6 months ago

So it's not about toggling visibility, but checking if it's visible?

Maybe we can add another visual glue, for example by giving the tool window a special background colour when the active layer is invisible.

michiel, 6 months ago

Mr. michiel, please notice this.. if able to implement 2nd sky and terrain in new version (future no rush huh) would be useful for complex projects.

bambamD, 6 months ago

Sometimes when I CTL-M and import another BT project there's only some elements I want. I go thru each layer to determine to keep or discard. Having an indicator right there will really be helpful.

lightads, 6 months ago

I always delete the layers before merging.

michiel, 6 months ago

Actually the "visual glue" you speak about is a great idea.

lightads, 6 months ago

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Using 3D BluffTitler to give me the edge in my video editing :)

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