Filip | 9 years ago | 3 comments | 2.3K views
I want to use the chalk letters with the rainbow text.cfx.
Why is the "welkom" text collor not dotted like the "new' text?
I tried to remove the RefelexionMap_Silver.jpg and the but that doesn't work.
Michael can you help? See the full file on google drive.
I know that text layer 4 is not using the RainbowText effect.
What I want to know is why the RainbowText effect egalises the texture. The same texture is used in the layer 3 as in layer 4.
I want to get every charater in layer 4 a different chalk (dotted) collor.
The texture is especialy created for that purpose (with a nice freeware program "Smoothdraw 4).
Filip, 9 years ago
Aha, I think I now understand what you want.
The Text/RainbowText effect supports 3 textures:
1) a cartoon map
2) a reflection map
3) a cube map
You can see this in the F9 dialog after you have selected the effect.
What you want is this:
1) a cartoon map
2) a colour map
I now see how you would want to combine those 2 textures.
This would however require a new effect. Thank you for your feature request!
michiel, 9 years ago