Alleyoop | 9 years ago | 11 comments | 2.4K views
Hi, I've modified the Bix template 17_Happiness2 as a background over which I'm placing some reduced size video in my NLE. I would then like to place the rainbow on top of the video content. When I export just the rainbow and some flares as a transparent movie they don't look at all like they do in Bluff.
I then tried importing the video into Bluff so that I could place the rainbow on top of it but I cannot get the video to go behind the rainbow, it doesn't respond to Bring Active Layer Backward.
Any suggestions on how I can achieve this?
Fastest way:
The 3 layer style dropdowns change 3d in background into 3d in foreground for the rainbow layer.15
make the Rainbow more pronounced by changing color to say 955,955,955
komies, 9 years ago
Thank you. I'm happy with the color, but 3d in foreground does the trick.
Thank you very much.
There's no way to effectively export those effects as transparent movies? They import into my NLE with an alpha channel, but they lose their look.
Alleyoop, 9 years ago
Transparency video export works perfectly.
It's the JC_Rainbow.png in this template, which is already transparent but looks more solid because of background color. Open de image in a paint program and u will see.
BluffTitler can create videos with transparency information (RGBA). You can do this by selecting Uncompressed AVI with transparency in the File > Export as video... dialog. This is useful when you want to overlay your titles onto your videos.
komies, 9 years ago
Yes I've used uncompressed avi with transparency a number of times and it's worked well. I can export the butterflies from this template for example and they look fine, but I've also had exports where transparency has not worked well. In this case, the lens flare, particle flares and rainbow don't look at all the same on export as they do on the Bluff screen. I've used both Shader and Software settings.
Alleyoop, 9 years ago
Can I email a short sample of each to illustrate?
Alleyoop, 9 years ago
that is not nessesary, the lens and particle flares use a additive blending so they're transparent by them selfs so without a background (default black) which will be transparant when you export for the purpose to overlay this in your nle. So a transparant image saved as a transparant video will not contain much information such as viberate colors.
how to work around this:
Import video in blufftitler so that this is your background where the lens and particle flares can be overlayed. Set video as 3d in background.
make a black background out of a picture layer (white.png set to 0,0,0) and set as 3d in background apply the lens and particle effects or export video without transparancy. Import video in NLE and now use fade/mix/Opacity at 50%.
You can also use the chromakey option: set a background picture layer to the color you want to key in your NLE. But I do not recommend this because of the limitations.
komies, 9 years ago
OK, thanks.
I tried your second option but I must have done something wrong.
I created a white picture in Avid, imported into Photoshop and exported as a png. I imported the white png into Bluff. There was no 2d in background option so I set it as 3d in background under the rainbow and particle flares. I changed color to black, 0.0.0. and exported. It looks good but of course it imports into Avid as a video clip with no alpha channel. When you say 'export video without transparency' you mean 'uncompressed avi'? Anyway, it didn't work either way.
Alleyoop, 9 years ago
1. the white.png came with the installer in the textures folder.
2. when you export video without transparancy you do not need a black background. (uncompressed gives the best video quality.)
3. now that the video has no transparency, you most make it transparent in your NLE by either fade, mix or ocpacity at 50% depends on your NLE to overlay it.
So I believe you didn't do the third step.
komies, 9 years ago
Thanks you.
I usually use uncompressed.
I want it to be 100% transparent though, not 50%.
Also, you say 'when you export video without transparency you do not need a black background'. Why then this step 'make a black background out of a picture layer (white.png set to 0,0,0) and set as 3d in background?
Alleyoop, 9 years ago
To give you all the options.
Now you know how blufftitler deals with transparency and now you know how to make just a part of the show transparent, there where the background image stops when it is not screen filled.
komies, 9 years ago
OK, thanks.
I think the best option in this instance is to pre treat my video and stills, (pan and zoom, vignettes etc.) and import to Bluff for the overlay.
Thanks again.
Alleyoop, 9 years ago