michiel | 11 years ago | 35 comments | 5 likes | 6.7K views
LostBoyz, Tintin, agpvn and 2 others like this!
Yesterday, May 1st, my father Maarten den Outer, aka Mardou, passed away at the age of 70.
Only 3 weeks ago kidney cancer was detected, spread to his lungs, liver and bones. It was a fight he could not win.
He died peacefully at the hospital with us at his bedside.
After his retirement as an architect my father focussed on his other passion: painting and drawing.
My brother and I had created a website showing is work. It can be seen at mardou.net
One of the projects we did together was the Mardou museum. Architectural design and the paintings is my father's. 3D visualisation has been done by me in BluffTitler.
We had so many ideas to improve the museum and other projects we could do together...
This morning I have added an option to the mardou site where you can download the BluffTitler show files of the museum, including the 3D model: choose MUSEUM from the main menu. Feel free to use it for your own projects.
Thank you dad for everything you did for me.
Hallo Michiel,mein herzlichstes Beilaid.
My sincere condolences
sinus300, 11 years ago
Hello Michiel,
my sincere condolences.
Herzliches Beileid zu diesem schweren Verlust. Ich fuehle mit dir und deiner Familie.
Ulli, 11 years ago
Michiel, I'm am saddened and sorry for your loss.
May the memories of your father bring your family peace.
IntroChamp, 11 years ago
My condolences Michiel. Though we are faceless friends, my heart reaches out to you and your family as I pray a prayer of peace and comfort for you.
BillyJack, 11 years ago
Mein herzliches Beileid Michiel! Rest in Peace!
Like war für die Kunst deines Vaters. Auf ungarisch (christlich) sagen wir so, dass dein Vater sein zu Hause gefunden hat.
LostBoyz, 11 years ago
My sincere condolences
I was very sad for you :/
I will say a prayer for you peace and comfort in God. love
Carlos Marques, 11 years ago
Very sorry for your loss, Michiel. It seems your Dad has passed on to you the spirit of an entrepreneur, and much artistic ability. It is obvious that, in return, he received the love and respect of his sons - a man cannot ask for much more!
jmarkt, 11 years ago
Michiel, hope your dad rest in peace now, i'm all with you and your family.
vincent, 11 years ago
Sorry for your loss. It sounds like you had the benefit of a wonderful & loving father. Those memories will be with you forever.
Dick, 11 years ago
My deepest sympathy to you and your family
snafu, 11 years ago
You have our deepest sympathy. May you feel the comfort and peace of God's love during this time - and may the fond memories of your father live on for you and your family.
jeffo, 11 years ago
I can't imagine your feelings right now, but I want to express my sincere condolences to you.
EverettM, 11 years ago
So sorry for your loss, my thoughts are with you.
tayla, 11 years ago
My sincerest sympathy to you and your family.
maitegras, 11 years ago
My thoughts are with you and your family, may he rest in peace.
Yousef, 11 years ago
I'm sorry for your loos,my sincere condolences Michiel ..!
TROY GT, 11 years ago
Mein tiefstes, aufrichtiges Beileid, Michiel.
Die wenigen Zeilen, welche Du hier gepostet hast zeigen bereits, was für ein klasse Mensch Dein Vater zu Lebzeiten war.
kayserhans, 11 years ago
Michiel, my condolences on the loss of your father, I say a prayer for him.
Because he formed you an artist, a genius of technology, is a gift of God and
he already enjoys in glory.
Jesus, 11 years ago
Der Verlust eines lieben Menschen ist immer eine große Tragödie. Mein tiefes Mitgefühl in Deine Trauer.
orlando, 11 years ago
Conociendo su trabajo, estoy seguro que a sus padres, que le educaron y construyeron los cimientos y pilares que le formaron a usted como persona, se sentirán completamente felices, ya que su espíritu siempre permanecerá vivo en usted
crispin, 11 years ago
Like the rest of the Buff comunity, my thoughts are with you and your family at this very sad time.
DaveH, 11 years ago
My deep condolences for you loss.
May your father soul rest and peace.
I will pray for him today and for your family as well to have the power to overcome the sadness that such a loss reflects on th e living ones.
It is now very much clear, something that we did not know before, what are the roots of your extraordinary work in the field of art and computing.
Thank you for sharing with us your persoanl loss.
MikelH, 11 years ago
Condolences Michiel. The museum was awesome to do to show off his work and is quite the tribute now.
brntguy, 11 years ago
A great father, a father who we should show great respect to, may his soul rest forever!
hantang, 11 years ago
Truly sorry for the loss of your much loved and very talented father.
Rest in Peace.
Vanlen, 11 years ago
Michiel, I'm really saddened to hear about your loss.
It sounds like your father was a very special person.
I'm sure you'll forever treasure the memories that you have of him.
IBMedia, 11 years ago
One night a father overheard his son pray:
Dear God, Make me the kind of man my Daddy is.
Later that night, the Father prayed,
Dear God, Make me the kind of man my son wants me to be.
My Deepest Sympathies
eROG, 11 years ago
My family and I would like to thank you all for your compassion.
The overwhelming response on this page has been heartwarming and a great help to us during this difficult time.
Michiel den Outer
michiel, 11 years ago
Hi Michiel!
Very nice music!
One night a father overheard his son pray:
Dear God, Make me the kind of man my Daddy is.
Later that night, the Father prayed,
Dear God, Make me the kind of man my son wants me to be.
and very nice text!!
LostBoyz, 11 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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Contact michiel by using the comment form on this page or at info@outerspace-software.com