maitegras | 14 years ago | 4 comments | 2.4K views

Greetings michiel
a new request
I would like a new version, the images have the option to turn, as in the texts
I mean, (left axis) - (right) - (shift from below) - (twist top)
Meneses without having to use the container for this layer

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I think using a container layer is the best way to do it.

Why doesn't this work for you?

michiel, 14 years ago

understand how to do this with containers.
but this involves many more layers in the line of work.
work faster with fewer layers

maitegras, 14 years ago

Version introduces the ROTATION CENTRE property in the picture layer. This is the point around which the picture rotates when animating the ROTATION property.

More info about this property can be found in the user guide:

michiel, 14 years ago

fantastic, I have downloaded this new version and I've tried.
the result is wonderful.
I do not understand how you do this, but it is certainly from another planet

maitegras, 14 years ago

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