maitegras | 14 years ago | 8 comments | 3.2K views
hi michiel
new problem. I think this latest version does not work well with GIF.
when working with GIF, this looks good to edit.
but to render this stays like a jpg picture (no movement)
you have the previous version to be tested?
with a previous version I have no problem with animated images (gif)
but I'm having problems with the latest version.
I did a test with the 8.0.1 version, here I leave a video link
maitegras, 14 years ago
Thank you for your report.
I did some tests and experienced no problems.
Maybe you have pressed the p key to pause all animations? Press p again to to turn them on.
Or maybe to have set the TIMELAPSE to 0 in the FILE > EXPORT AS MOVIE... dialog. Set it to 1.
michiel, 14 years ago
I do not understand what happened in my pc michiel.
last night working with a previous version if I worked
Today I have reinstalled the latest version, and without touching anything, everything returns to work well.
possibly touch any settings.
and reinstall the new version, the default configuration returned.
thanks for your concern
maitegras, 14 years ago
Fantastic animation... Loved it
GreenfishPete, 14 years ago
I would pay money to see a tutorial on how you did this. Is there any way you would release the project file - I would be happy to make a donation towards the work you did on this.
Superb, and a really good demonstration of what can be done in this software.
stbo, 14 years ago
Thanks for your comment.
the project can be purchased from the link I let down.
There you will find information on each project, to contact the appropriate person to draft
maitegras, 14 years ago
Thanks for the link. I went onto the site and sent an email yesterday to the email address for one of the treadmills. Do you know how long it is typically before there is a response?
stbo, 14 years ago
This is being solved. receive information in a short time, thanks
maitegras, 14 years ago