NextPreviousHomeJigsaw pictures 2

maitegras | 13 years ago | 8 comments | 6 likes | 7.1K views

sinus300, Big Rick, Willie and 3 others like this!

I made new changes in this work. now every animation is different.

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you always choose excellent music... very, very artistic....

stbo, 13 years ago

Hi Maitegras - Excellent show - any chance of providing a download

Eddie, 13 years ago

Great show, how did you realize it? I dont think it is made with the normal fragmentation.fx, isn't it

frankch, 13 years ago

Great way to display pictures. I wish that the lines between
puzzle pieces would disappear for the last couple of seconds once the complete picture was formed.

Dick, 13 years ago

thank you all.
hi eddie, the download is on the following link (copy and paste)
frankch hello, fragmentation is not used in this project, this work is based on the position and size of textures. on the link below you can see more information (copy and paste)
hi dick, the project has been prepared with the whole picture of each puzzle, but not activated, if someone wanted to use it, simply activate the image, it follows the same steps as the puzzle.
although there is another project that is already working image (copy and paste)

maitegras, 13 years ago

Is there a Jigsaw effect in Bluff Titler ?

Eddie, 13 years ago

Thank you

Eddie, 13 years ago

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