maitegras | 13 years ago | 4 comments | 3 likes | 4.6K views

LostBoyz, S3XXYM@MM@ and sinus300 like this!

3 different ways, a bar-graph
with alteration of speed

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Cool!!! Upload that BT file if you would. Several have asked how to do that in the past.

BillyJack, 13 years ago

That is way cool.

Djdave, 13 years ago

I can not upload BT
but I can say how to do this.
is a source of my pc. this is modified (font creator)
I placed source in different-sized bars.
a finished look. install the font on my pc.
BluffTitler open, and select this source.
I put a text with different lyrics -> example (GOXAJQHDS)
Now I give the encryption tool, and I put 2 keys (high to low)
select (Overhauser curve) and is finished

maitegras, 13 years ago

Darn, I was hoping you had figured it out all in BT. Still cool though.

BillyJack, 13 years ago

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