maitegras | 11 years ago | 6 comments | 8 likes | 3.8K views
Ulli, Dani, thethbac and 5 others like this!
textured in cinema 4d
It's fantastic and beautiful show, congratulations.
Jesus, 11 years ago
Nice show. I like the butterflies!
I wonder, did you use the particle layer or is every butterfly animated by hand?
And which FX did you use to animate the butterflies?
michiel, 11 years ago
thank you all.
butterfly animation is manual.
and fx used for butterflies and the heart is (Walking.fx)
with the only condition that these models are placed in profile, in cinema4d
maitegras, 11 years ago
yes buenisimo maestro todo lo que usted hace me late
chespi650, 11 years ago