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lifechip | 14 years ago | 2 comments | 2.8K views

When I want to use a cloth feature I am having trouble when I try to replace the Amsterdam photo with one of my own jpeg photo and still retain the same theme. What am I doing wrong. Thanks

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what type of problem.
try using the same image size before the sample pixels.

maitegras, 14 years ago

Maybe the filename of your photo contains the string "reflection" and BluffTitler automatically turns on reflection mapping. Other strings including "cartoon", "bump" and "gradientwipe" also trigger effects.

To turn off this smart behaviour, change the texture in the F9 dialog (or choose the menu item MEDIA > CHANGE TEXTURE...) and unmark the TRY TO KEEP TEXTURES AND EFFECT MATCHED checkbox.

michiel, 14 years ago

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