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lifechip | 10 years ago | 7 comments | 2.2K views

Hi Michael, I use a program called Freemake that I use to download You Tube videos and converts them to avi. I find that when I download these You Tube videos and store them in a folder on the Desktop, its gets a BT attachment in the RH corner. Can you please tell me why this is happening and how I can fix this, thanks

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What do you mean with "BT attachment in the RH corner"?

What is attached to what?

And why is this a problem?

michiel, 10 years ago

The You Tube avi file has a BT emblem attached to each of the file clips in a folder and when I try and open them a uninstall window appears asking if I want to uninstall BT

lifechip, 10 years ago

I installed Freemake Video Downloader and experienced no problems.

This is what I did:

1) I choose custom installation to prevent installation of the extra adware

2) After installation I started my internet browser (Chrome)

3) I surfed to and selected a nice video

4) I copied the URL of the YouTube page by selecting the address bar and pressing CONTROL C (

5) I started Freemake Video Downloader

6) I pressed the Paste URL button

7) I selected Convert to AVI in the dialog that popped up

8) I entered the path to save to (D:\Temp\Test.avi)

9) I pressed the Download & Convert button

Now the video was downloaded, converted and saved as an AVI file.

When I double clicked on the AVI file Windows Media Player was started and played the video

michiel, 10 years ago

Thanks Michael

lifechip, 10 years ago

I have followed all your suggestions but still have the BT adware attached. When I still d/click the avi file it takes me to the BT uninstall window. I have now found that if I right click on the avi file and select "Play with" and select WM Player the you tube video opens and plays. Thanks for your help in this matter

lifechip, 10 years ago

Maybe you have a problem with files associations, You have to verify default programs (which program open a specific file). Option is in the start menu with Windows 7. Search .avi and check the program, you must have wmplayer (windows media player)

vincent, 10 years ago

Hi Vincent, thanks for your suggestion. I did as you suggested and found that .avi files were to be opened by WM Player. Knowing that this was not working correctly, I refreshed the program to WM Player, applied and all the BT adware had gone. I am using Windows 8.1 and find that some issues like this occur from time to time, it has a mind of its own. I have been testing Windows 10 for 2 weeks and find it so much more user friendly, more responsive and much easier to work with, a bit similar to Windows 7. Thanks to you and Michael for you help in solving my problem. Have a great Christmas

lifechip, 10 years ago

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