NextPreviousHomeDonut Holes? (Question)

amiga | 10 months ago | 5 comments | 2 likes | 281 views

songbaojin and Alex-Raymond T. like this!

I was just trying to make a quick and simple donut shape using a picture layer and the "Donut" media style, but wanted to be able to adjust the size of the hole (like making it really small). I didn't see a way using that method, so I then tried using the effect "plane2donut", but didn't see any way there either.

Am I missing something simple, hopefully?

If not, I guess I can always create a model if I can brush up on my 3d modeling skills. Maybe one of you really talented experts (pretty much everyone on here!) can suggest a quick and easy alternative?

I don't want to change the size of the donut, just the hole size to donut size ratio.


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You're not missing anything. It can't be changed.
But that's a good request for Michiel to make it be able to.

Decentralized, 10 months ago

The shape of the donut can already be changed by changing the aspect ratio of the texture. Choose MEDIA > CHANGE TEXTURE... to load another texture.

When you are adventurous, you could try using a colour map layer as the texture. This way you can change the aspect ratio dynamically with the RESOLUTION prop of the colour map layer and animate the shape of the donut!

michiel, 10 months ago


michiel, 10 months ago

Michiel, that is genius. I never thought about changing the picture size. I will now eat my words.

Decentralized, 10 months ago

Holy cow! Decentralized put it best, that is genius!

Thanks to both of you!!!


amiga, 10 months ago

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