Filip | 2 years ago | 4 comments | 1 like | 521 views
songbaojin likes this!
With me the F3 colour picker option doesn't work right.
When I pick a color from a Text Layer it chooses the background colour or the colour of the plasma layer.
Is there something with the settings???
When your press <F3> and the mouse is inside the tool window, the standard Windows colour dialog is displayed.
But when the mouse is outside the tool window, the colour of the current mouse position is picked.
This only works when you have selected a colour property, like for example the COLOUR property of the text layer.
michiel, 2 years ago
Yes and I did all that and I said I doesn't work.
I does something but it's never right
Filip, 2 years ago
Setting the COLOUR prop of the text layer to (255, 255, 255) does not mean that is will also appear white.
Maybe it's in the shadow, looking grey.
Or maybe the fog makes it blue.
Or maybe a red texture is applied, making it look red.
Or it is rendered half transparent on top of a green background, making it look green.
michiel, 2 years ago