NextPreviousHomeCreate a simple confetti burst in BT

Filip | 3 years ago | 12 comments | 7 likes | 1.3K views

LostBoyz, gato@mo, Thor5ten and 4 others like this!

With the use of the Explosion property and we go beyond the slider boundaries.

Choose with the Text layer a simple text (in this case all dots) use the:
Text layer style 1 the Circle 2 option and the;
Text layer style 2 the Pixels option
Choose in the Text layer properties the Pixels size all 3 slider to value 0.1
Take a point on the timeline and set the in the Text layer properties Transparency to 1
Add a point close to the first one and set the Transparency to 0
Choose a point further on the timeline and Choose the Explosion property and set the first slider to 500 and the second to 1000 and set all sliders of the Jumble propertie to 1
Take a last point at the end of the timeline and set all sliders of the Jumble propertie 0
Use the Rainbow.cfx effect with a cartoonmap texture.

Play with all the values to create your on effect

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Filip, Gracias

gato@mo, 3 years ago

Good technique!

I had fun playing with your show. Here's what I did:
-to add more depth I cloned the exploding layer a few times and placed them at various distances to the camera
-I added some fog with the FOG props of the camera layer
-for dramatic effect, I made one debris (the green block) fly slowly right past the camera, as they do in action movies!

michiel, 3 years ago

Thnx gato@mo and Michiel and thnx for the new ideas.

As I said we learn from each other in the community.

Filip, 3 years ago

Thank you Filip for all your helpful tips, tricks and shows that encourage to try it out.

Ulli, 3 years ago

useful for celebration shows! 🥳

vincent, 3 years ago

Thnx for your good words Ulli and Vincent

Filip, 3 years ago

Always a head full of new ideas! Well done Filip !

Alex-Raymond T., 3 years ago

Michiel, could you publish your show?

snafu, 3 years ago

Thnx Alex-Raymond

Filip, 3 years ago

Thank you Filip!

LostBoyz, 3 years ago

merci Filip

PAT67, 3 years ago

Lostboyz and Pat67 love BT, love the community and love to share!

Filip, 3 years ago

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