NextPreviousHomeHow to keep track of your fonts?

Filip | 2 years ago | 3 comments | 1 like | 598 views

Alex-Raymond T. likes this!

I have tons of fonts on my PC (1266 installed). Sometimes it's difficult to find the right font for the job.

I use "AMP Font viewer" to oversee the fonts and their lay out. It's freeware!

To find a specific font I see on the internet or sowhere else I take a sample and use "Find My Font" (trialware, 30 days free, I use the Pro version).

What do you use to keep track of your fonts?

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It would be so simple if Windows allowed to make subfolders in the FONT directory to classify fonts by categories, fonts management is the thing that has evolved the least since the first versions of Windows.

vincent, 2 years ago

I've used NexusFont for a number of years and for the featues it has, it works well. You can organize your fonts into folders and subfolders, load and unload fonts to/from Windows fonts directory and view the fonts/charmaps as well.

I've organized all my font files in a single basic Windows folder (separated out into font family and project subfolders), this will become your NexusFont library once you point NexusFont to this folder and its subfolders. At that point you create "Collections" of fonts and font families to view in NexusFont.

The programs methodology of having the program seek these Library folders and then when you create Collections doesn't seem to me straightforward, it gets the job done. I have collections set up for work and home projects as well as a collection for fonts used by Blufftitler Bixpacks so I don't have to keep hundreds of fonts always loaded.. It's also a bit slow initially loading the fonts upon opening the program even on a fast machine, but I don't use it on a daily basis either.

Its use of Library and collections is not implemented as well as others and it has a minor incompatibility with Windows 10 but manages to work without much hassle. I've stayed with it because I've had it around for so long.

There are others out there. Just search for "Windows Font Manager"

WingedMoose, 2 years ago

J'ai glissé dans le menu démarrer l'icône de la fonction Police de Windows, le tableau complet des polices s'affiche, il suffit de cliquer sur celle qui nous intéresse et on peut faire un essai de texte dans la fenêtre de controle. Voir capture pour installer l'icone dans le menu démarrer.

Instructions de W10: Voir et tester les polices installées
Cliquez sur le bouton Démarrer puis sur Paramètres.
Cliquez sur Personnalisation.
Cliquez sur Polices.
Les polices installées sont affichées.
Double cliquez sur une police et saisissez du texte pour afficher un aperçu.

I slipped into the start menu the icon of the Windows Font function, the complete table of fonts is displayed, just click on the one that interests us and we can do a text test in the control window. See capture to install the icon in the start menu.

W10 Instructions: View and Test Installed Fonts
Click the Start button and then Settings.
Click Personalization.
Click Fonts.
Installed fonts are displayed.
Double click on a font and enter text to preview.

Alex-Raymond T., 2 years ago

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