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Filip | 3 years ago | 7 comments | 862 views

I am trying to use Inkscape with Hersey text to make centerline eps files. I think it works nice, but BluffTitler and Bixelangelo will not read the eps file.

I've tried different outputs but it still don't work. Help!

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Apri i file generati con Inkscape in Bixelangelo e salvali di nuovo in eps, dovrebbe funzionare

nonnogio, 3 years ago

Scusa ho sbagliato, i files generati con inkscape e salvati .eps devi aprirli con Affinity Designer e salvarli sempre in .eps.

nonnogio, 3 years ago

The EPS file uses an uncommon syntax, but we've managed to make our importer parse it correctly. The next versions of BluffTitler and Bixelangelo will be able to read EPS files generated by Inkscape/Hershey Text directly.

The text is not as smooth as it could be because the file only contains straight lines. Is this a limitation of Hershey Text?

Please continue e-mailing test files. Thank you!

michiel, 3 years ago

Thank you Michiel,
I use Affinity Photo and I am grateful that compatibility with this program has been integrated,
but I guess a lot of people use inkscape because it's free.
So thank you on behalf of many people

Franco Aversa, 3 years ago

Thank you Michiel, like Franco I only use Affinty Photo and Designer
but nevertheless I for one am grateful to you for putting in the extra mile on our behalf.
So thank you once again for your work in finessing the program. Cheers John

Pioneer, 3 years ago

Thnx MichieI I am new to Inkscape so I'm just trying to learn to work with it.
I try to send new samples.

Filip, 3 years ago

I'm now trying autotracer online:
It does centerline tracing.

Not much success until now.

Filip, 3 years ago

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