lightads | 3 years ago | 6 comments | 4 likes | 556 views
Tintin, PAT67, Ulli and 1 other like this!
Matrix BT
Nice compact 4 layer solution!
By deleting the 2 light layers you could even turn it into a 2 layer solution. Amazing!
michiel, 3 years ago
Thats a great Matrix, just what I was looking for thank you so much, cheers John
Pioneer, 3 years ago
this is awsome but how do i edit the falling letters? it just says corona virus but doesnt look like the matrix on the screen
salinthehouse, 2 years ago
Look in the \textures folder, you'll find a long vertical image. Edit that file
lightads, 2 years ago
The latest installer has a demo that uses a colour map layer. It's more complex, but allows you to change the text without having to edit a picture.
You can find the demo here:
Choose EDIT > CHANGE ALL TEXTS.... to change the text.
michiel, 2 years ago
Using 3D BluffTitler to give me the edge in my video editing :)
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