NextPreviousHomeDrone Effect Propeller

sven | 3 years ago | 4 comments | 541 views

Hi is it possible to apply propeller rotation from the Drone Effect to other Models? With the Effect the Rotation accesses SubModel 10,11,12,13. Is it possible to set this to others or is there another effect that makes a rotation?

Is there actually a list of wich effect from v11 does what?

Best Regards Sven

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The Special\Drone effect has been created specifically for the Drone 3D model of BixPack 42.

Technically it could be used for any other model with the same submodel structure and dimensions. It will be a serious puzzle, but ARMABIT has proven it is possible.

michiel, 3 years ago

Here are two shows that deal with the rotation of propellers without using the '' Special / drone '' effect on 3D models.
You will be able to adjust the rotation and the transparency of the propeller to your liking.

Alex-Raymond T., 3 years ago

Oh Cool thanks i take a Look

sven, 3 years ago

The transparency of the drone propellers depends on their rotation speed. When they do not rotate they are fully opaque, when they start rotating they become half transparent. This feature has been implemented on popular request.

michiel, 3 years ago

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